Edu-Tourism of Biodiversity through a Visit by TK Wulele Sanggula II Students to UHO Botanical Garden
Early childhood education, Biodiversity, Field trip, Interactive learning, Environmental conservationAbstract
This community service activity aims to improve early childhood understanding of biodiversity through field trips to the UHO Botanical Garden, focusing on observing orchid collections. An interactive learning approach using storytelling, direct observation, and question and answer proved effective in stimulating the curiosity of Wulele Sanggula II Kindergarten students. Visual and sensory experiences, such as observing the colors, shapes and scents of orchids, help to strengthen children's understanding of plants. The activity also encourages the development of cognitive and social skills, including observation and peer-to-peer communication. Although there were some obstacles, such as children losing focus, the use of visual aids and intensive mentoring successfully overcame these issues. In conclusion, the visit instilled environmental awareness and love for nature at an early age, which can have a long-term impact on conservation. Suggestions for improvement include extending the duration of the visit and providing additional supporting materials to deepen the learning.
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